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Some burning questions
Why Choose Cheeky Cherry?
+VERY good question
Cheeky Cherry keeps it real. We want to talk about our bodies with no shame and #nofilter.
We can talk about our vag and our flow openly because we don’t choose to get our periods, it just comes with the territory! So why not create a product that caters to our ACTUAL needs?
WTF is period underwear?
+Was thinking the same thing
Our underwear come padded with options of pads and liners so you can feel comfortable all month long.
Is it hard to wash?
+Please say no
How long can I wear the same pair of underwear for?

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About US
Two sisters with one vision: underwear made for REAL EVERYDAY LIFE.
Let’s rewind a little… this new “trend” of period underwear makes us truly believe that all underwear companies until now have never hired someone with a vagina before. WTF is period underwear? It’s just underwear except suited to our ACTUAL needs… We created a line of FIRE underwear in amazing shapes and colors that can be worn on and off your period with our added Pink Protection™ Layers...