Comment laver facilement vos sous-vêtements étanches

Étape 1: Prenez votre sous-vêtement usé et jetez-le dans votre machine à laver (facultatif pour rincer premier qui peut aider à éliminer les taches).

Lavage en machine à froid ou à la main - laver à température ambiante. Évitez d'utiliser javellisant et assouplissant, votre lessive seul fera l'affaire !

Marcher 2 : Sortez-les et suspendez-les (ou posez-les à plat) pour les faire sécher. Il faut environ 10 - 12 heures pour nos Dailies et Liners à sécher, et ne devrait pas prendre plus de 20 heures pour nos serviettes & serviettes de nuit pour sécher .

Marcher 3 : Attendez qu'ils sèchent puis pliez-les et rangez-les ou les porter ou fais ce que tu veux voulez parce que c'est la fin des instructions de lavage ! Ou vous pouvez simplement regarder cette vidéo de 10 secondes ci-dessous.

CONSEIL DE PRO : Taches ? Vaporisez simplement avec votre teinture préférée décapant avant de le jeter au lavage ! TADA

two sisters entrepreneurs and business partners of our leak proof underwear small business. based out of Montreal Canada we design and created Cheeky Cherry to end the stigma on periods and vaginal leaks. we want to boost confidence and comfort in your daily lives. follow along our journey as we grow our business.

Who are We ?

Two sisters with one vision: underwear made for REAL EVERYDAY LIFE.

Let’s rewind a little… this new “trend” of period underwear makes us truly believe that all underwear companies until now have never hired someone with a vagina before.  WTF is period underwear? It’s just underwear except suited to our ACTUAL needs… We created a line of FIRE underwear in amazing shapes and colors that can be worn on and off your period with our added Pink Protection Layers.

Coming from a family of four sisters, you could find every period product by practically
every brand you could think of, available in each bathroom of Megan & Sally’s house. It was only when we started having kids of our own did we begin that crazy- first-time-mom research of every ingredient we would be introducing our babies to. This quickly led to analyzing what was in the products we were using and let me tell you... we were not impressed!

cheeky cherry co-founders taking a selfie photo with our team of boss babes

With two business degrees, 3rd generation family apparel business, and lots of great contacts, we knew we needed to make this happen. We worked hard, laughed a lot, bickered a bunch and nearly killed each other once or twice but TADA CHEEKY CHERRY WAS BORN.

And She’s totally worth it! Cause she’s a bad bitch.

Not only would we be creating an alternative to disposable chemical filled pads and liners, but we would also be reducing the waste impact on our planet that people of all shapes and sizes can feel great in. win win.


Megan & Sally